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( International Intellectual Property Alliance) IIPA 1-click patent 1814 1930s 1968 1999 2000 25 Peaces 3sat kulturzeit 9/11 911truth.org A Virtual World is Possible AAA-Netzwerk ACF NY ACTA AGORA AIDS AIDS movement Access to Learning Materials (A2LM) Accidental Generosities Acorn BBC microcomputer Active Software Actor-Network Theory Actor-Network-Theory Adwords Afghan War Diaries African Education Knowledge Warehouse (AEKW) African Teachers Network (ATN) Against Method Against The Fourth World War Age of Reason Agent Orange Akteur-Netzwerk-Theorie Aktion Aktivismus All New Gen Allgemeinwohl American Culture American Genocide American Revolution American War of Independence American constitution Amish Amsterdam Agenda Anabaptists Angst Anlaufstelle Anno Domini calendar Anno Mundi calendar Anonymität Another World is Possible Anti-Globalisierungsbewegung Antiglobalisierungsbewegung Antipode Antipornokampagnen Arbeiterbewegung Arbeitsmarkt Archetypes and Raves Architektur Archive Aristotelian theater Art Sabotage Artificial Life Artikulation Artistic and Literary Intellectual Property ALIP Astronauten Astronautik Asylpolitik Auffindbarkeit von Information Aufklärung Aufmerksamkeit Aufmerksamkeitsökonomie Ausdrucksfreiheit Ausgliederung Austrian Cultural Center Austrian State Treaty Austrian Web Resistance Awards Autonomedia Autonomie Autorenschaft Avantgarde BBC history BBC micro BIP BPO Business Process Outsourcing Bachelor Bakkalaureat Balkan wars Ballhausplatz Bangalore Agenda Task Force (BATF) Barbie-doll Baroque Barrikadenbräute Beeinflussung Beeinflussung der öffentlichen Meinung Berlin Wall Berne Convention Beschmierungen Besetzung Beteiligung Betrug Bevölkerung Bifo Big Brother Bildersuchdienst Bildersuche Bildung Bildungsprojekt Biopolitik Bits of Freedom Bldungsabbau Blinkenlights Bobo Body without Organs (BwO) Bollywood Bologna Bologna-Prozess Book of Genesis Bosnian War Brain-Vader Brazilian Music Bring Your Own Film Festival Broken-Windows-Theorie Brüssel 2000 Bundesminister Business Intelligence Byzantium Bärentierchen Bürgerinitiative Bürgerrecht Bürgerrechte CBDTPA (Consumer Broadband and Digital Television Promotion Act) CIA Cabaret Cannabis Canto Livre Capital Carribean Basin Economic Recovery Act Cartesian ego Catalising Access to ICTs in Africa (CATIA) Central committee Chat Chicago-House China Bazaar Christian communism Christian theology Christianity Civilization IV Civitas Solis Cluster Code of Manu Cointelpro program Cold War Commodity Fetishism Commons Communities Community Community Art Community Networks Community-Medium Conference on the Freedom of Information Conflict Continental Drift Convention on Biological Diversity Copyright Copyright Act Copyright sign Copyright-Industrie Copyrightbestimmungen Copyrights Corporate Identity Council of American Muslims CounterAct Counterintelligence (CI) Creative Archive Creative City Creative Class Creative Commons Criminal Justice Act Critical Art Ensemble Critical Hedonism Cult of Attis Cult of the New Eve Cultural Backbone Cultural Studies Cultural and Creative Industries (CCI) Cyber Crime Treaty Cyberfeminismus Cybergnosis Cybermohalla (Cyber Neighbourhood, CM) Cyberpunk Cyberspace Cyberwar Cyborg Bill of Rights DARPA DG XIII directive DIY DMCA (Digital Millennium Copyright Act) DNA Darknet Das Allgemeine Krankenhaus (AKH) Datenkörper Datenschutz Datenströme Davateillance De-Urbanisierung Demimondaine Demokratie Demokratische Offensive Demonstrationen Depression Der Standard Deregulierung Desert Storm Deserteure Desinformationsgesellschaft Determinismus Detroit-Techno Diagonale Diamond v. Diehr Dictionary of Operations Die Dritte Welle Die Fledermaus Die Rote Zora Die tote Stadt Digital Ecology Digital Human Rights Digital Millenium Copyright Act Digital Restrictions Management (DRM) Digitale Bohème Digitale Medien Digitalisieren Digitalisierung Dionysian Dissens Disziplinierung Diversitätsmanagement Dolores Bulimic Breakfast Don Durito Donnerstagsdemos Dot-Com DotCom Dotcom-Blase Dreamtime Drohnen Dutch government Dutch peacekeeping forces EDRI (European Digital Rights) EU Copyright Directive EU E-Commerce Directive Echelon Electronic Disturbance Theater (EDT) Electronische Musik Elektronik Eliten Empowerment End of History Entertainment-Security Komplex Enthüllungsjournalismus Entpolitisierung Entrepreneurial City Entscheidungsfindung Entsolidarisierung Enttäuschung Epic of Gilgamesh Ermächtigung Eröffnung Museumsquartier Eskapismus Esperanto Ethik Ethnisierung Eurobarometer Eurodac European Art European Convention of Human Rights European Copyright Directive European Cultural Backbone (ECB) Europäische Menschenrechtskonvention Eventarbeit Exodus Exotisierung Expertentum Eyebeam FLESH MACHINE FPÖ Fackel Fairphone Fakes Falkland War Feminismus Fernsehen Feudalismus Fiktion Film Finanzkapital Finanzmärkte Finanzökonomie Firmenlogo First World economy Five Year Plan FlaneurIn Flash-City Flashmobs Flexibilisierung Flickr Flüchtling Fordismus Foren Forschung Fortress Europe Forum Alpbach Forum Design Fourth Amendment Fragmentierung Free Bitflows Conference Free Market Free Software Movement Freeb92 Freenet Project Freiheit Freiraum Für eine Welt ohne Rassismus/ Unabhängiger Nachrichtendienst MUND G-mail GATT (General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade) GIS GNU project Gaia hypothesis Game Theory Gangster Rap Gatekeeper Gedenken Gedächtniskultur Gefühlsdemokratie Gegenüberwachung Geheimdienst des Volkes Gemeinschaftsrecht General Public License (GPL) General Strike Genesis Genexploitation Geniereligion Gentrifizierung German Initiative to Ban Landmines Geschichtspolitik Gesetzgebung Gift Economy Gift-Economy Gleichsetzung ungeicher Unrechtsregimes Global Capital Global Cities Global South Globalisierung Gläserne Mensch Gnosis Golden Age of Activism Google Analytics Graphentheorie Greek mythology Ground Control Grundeinkommen Grundrechte Grunge Gruppe Freiraum Guerilla Gulf War HINARI HIV/AIDS HUD_DEMO Hack-Meetings Hacker Hackerkultur Hardware Hate-page Hausbesetzung Hedonismus Hermetismus Herrschaftswissen Hierarchie Hochkultur Hoheitsmacht Hollywood blacklist Homo Faber House Committee on Un-American Activities (HUAC) Human Genome Project (HGP) Human Rights Humboldt Hutterites Hyperborea Hypermobiltität I Am Cuba (1964) ICT policy IEEE Conference IKTs IP laws IP rights IPR ISDN Directive ISP ISP Internet Service Provider IT Corridor IT business IT industry IT infrastructure IT parks IT-Industrie Identität Ideologie Illegal Burning Centre Immobilienbranche Imperial­ism Independent Broadcasting Industrial Revolution Industrialisierung Information Retrieval Informations- und Kommunikationstechnologien Informationsfreiheit Informationsgesellschaft Informationskulturen Informationsoekologie Informationstechnologien Informationszeitalter Informationszugang Informationsökonomie Informationsüberlastung Infozoic Era Infrastrukturen Inner City AAA Institutionenkritik Institutionskritik Intellectual Property Rights Intelligenz InterNIC registration services Interaktion Interessensvertretung Intergalactic Conference Intermittents Internalisierung International Convention for the Protection of New Plant Varieties (UPOV) International Film Festival of India International Holocaust Remembrance Day International Program for the Development of Communication (IPDC) Internet-Access-Point Internet-Generation Internet-privacy legislation Internet2 Intervention Intoleranz Intransparenz Irakkrieg Iranian Revolution Irish myths Iron Curtain Irritation Islamic culture Japanese culture Jugend und Politik Jugendkultur Jungwähler JungwählerInnen Justinian's code of laws KOBRA Kampagnen Kapauku Kapitalakkumulation Kapitalismus Katholizismus Kennedy Assassination Kidnapping Kinderpornographie Klassenunterschiede Kommando Freiheit 45 Kommerzialisierung Kommodifizierung Kommunikationsguerilla Kondratiev wave Konnektivität Konservativ Konstruktivismus Konsum Konsumentenprofile Kontrolle Kontrolltechnologie Konzeptkunst Kooperation Kopieren Koran Korruption Kosovo War Kosovokrise Kothmale Radio Kreativwirtschaft Krise der Repräsentation Kritik Krocha Kuh Kultur Kulturarbeit Kulturbezirk Kultureinrichtung Kulturerbe der Zukunft Kulturförderung Kulturhauptstadt Kulturindustrie Kulturkampf Kulturkrieg Kulturnation Kulturologie Kulturpolitik Kulturproduktion Kulturstadt Kulturwissenschaften Kulturökonomie Kunst Kunstareal Kunstdiskurs Kunstförderung Kunstmuseum Kybernetik Kynismus Kyoto agreement Künstlersozialversicherung LSD Labyrinth Ladyfest Late Capitalism Learning Objects Repository (LOR) Lesben-Bewegung Lifestyle Links Literatur Lobbys Low-Intensity-Konflikte Low-intensity conflict Lybian Revolution MAI Multilateral Agreement on Investment MC DP MUND Mac MacBride report Macht Machtlosigkeit Madam Polly patch for Marathon Maki Uedas Malcolm X (1992) Malerei Manchurian Candidate Manhattan Project Manifest Destiny Manipulation Marginalisierung Marginalität Marke Markt Massenboheme Massenindustrie Matthew effect Matthäus Effekt Mayday 2K Media Commodified Ideas Media Spree Media Tribalism Mediaspace Medien Medienberichterstattung Mediencamp Medienguerillero Medienkommunikation Medienkompetenz Medienkultur Medienkulturen Medienkunst Medienkünstler Mediennetworker Mediennetzwerker Medienpolitik Medienpraxis Medienwissenschaft Medienökologie Mennonites Menschenrechte Mesa Blanca Mesh-Netzwerke Mess Hall Metapher Microsoft Middle Passage MigrantInnen Migration Missbrauch Mitbestimmung Moderne Mods Monochrom Monopol Moscow Declaration Motivforschung Multituden Museum Musik Muzak MySpace Myst Mythopoesis Mythos NGO NGOs Nach dem Ende der Politik Nachhaltigkeit Nachkriegsordnung Nachrichtennetzwerke Narcocorrido Narrative Nation National Nationalismus Native Title Tribunal Neokolonialismus Neoliberalismus Nestbeschmutzung Netbase history Networking Networks of Imagination Netzaktivismus Netzinitiativen Netzkritik Netzkultur Netzkulturen Netzkulturknoten Netzwerkaktivitäten Netzwerke Netzwerkinstitution Netzwerktheorie New Babylon New Deal New Economy New Left New Urbanism New World Information and Communication Order (NWICO) New World Order New-Orleans-Jazz Nicht-Ort Nike-Platz Nike-Space Nikeground Nintendo War No Go Zone Nodes Nomadism Normalisierung Novelle des österreichischen Mediengesetzes Old Left One Word Movie Online-Quiz Open Access Publishing Open Content License Open Data Strategien Open Flows Open Society archive Open Source Open Source Bewegung OpenRank Operation Bandwidth Operation Buccaneer Operation bandwith Operette Optical Character Recognition OCR Ordnung Oscars Out of Recession PCC People's Communication Charter PROOF Palladium Panoptikon Papier Parade Paradigmenbruch Paradigmenwandel Parapolitik Pariser Kommune Parlament Parteiprogramm Partisanen Partisaninnen Partizipation Patente Patriot Act Pauperisierung Peace Movement Perceptual Arena Permaculture Permanent Autonomous Zone PAZ Personalisierung Phillysound Picatrix Pionierarbeit im Bereich Medienkunst Piracy Piraten PlaymobilTM Pluralismus Poetic Terrorism Poetry Polit-Guerilla Politik Politik-Orientierungshilfe Politikverdrossenheit Politikwissenschaft Polizei Porno Pornographie Pornoindustrie Post-Politik Postfordismus Postmodernismus Postsozialismus Postsozietalismus Prekarisierung Prekarität Prekär Prekäre Pricewaterhouse Coopers study Prisoner's Dilemma Privatisierung Privatisierung der Kultur Privatkopie Privatsphäre Produktion Profilerstellung Project for a New American Century PNAC Projekt Atol Prometheanism Prominenz Propaganda Protestformen Provokation Provos Prozac Psychedelicism Psycho-Geschichte Psychogeographie Public Netbase Public Netbase Basecamp Public Research Public Sector Information Puerto Rican Santería Punkrock Punks Pythagorean harmony Quakers Quantitative Cultural Analysis Queer Quintessenz R & D R& DIY (Research & DIY) RIPS Rassismus Raum Raumfahrt Raumfahrtprogramm Rave Re-Territorialisierung der Zeit Reactions to 9/11 Recht-auf-Stadt-Bewegung Rechtsprechung Rechtsstaat Reclaim the Street Redefreiheit Reggae Regulation of Investigatory Powers bill Regulierung Relevanz Remix-Kultur Remote Viewing Renaissance Repression Repräsentation Revisionismus Robotronika hypermatic:automagic Rock music Rock'n'Roll Rogue States Roman Holiday (1953) Romantic era Romantic love Romanticism Räumungsklage S/M SOHO SOPA SSSCA (Security Systems and Standards Certification Act) STS Salonoperette Sandortfaktor Schutz der Privatsphäre Sci-Fi SciFi Science Citation Index Science Fiction Science Fiction Genre Scientific Citation Index Second Republic Secret Societies Selbstbestimmung Selbstbestimmungsrecht Selbstermächtigung Selbstkommunikation Selbstorganisation Selbstprekarisierung Selbstregulierung Selbstverwaltung Sex, Lügen und Internet Sexarbeiterinnen Sexualaufklärung Sherman Act Sicherheit Sicherheitsindustrie Sichtbarkeit Silicon Valley Situationismus Situationistische Internationale (SI) Skater Skepsis Skulpturenpark Berlin_Zentrum Smart Cities Smart Citizen Smart City Social Darwinism Social Forum Social Networking Social Networks Socialist Realism Soft Power Software Studies Intitiative Soldaten Soldatentagebücher Solidarität Soundpolitisierung Sozialabbau Soziale Bewegungen Soziale Frage Soziale Kontrolle Sozialismus Sozialpolitik Sozialversicherung Soziometrie Space *Raves* Music Space-Party Spartacus (1960) Spaß Special Project Verhicles (SPVs) Spectacle Spectacle culture Specters of Marx Spektakel Spiritualism Sprechen gegen den Strom Srishti School St Bartholomew´s Day Massacre Staatsvertragsfeiern Stacheldraht Stadt Stadtentwicklung Stadtplan 22@ Stadtplanung Stadtpolitik State State of Emergency Statue of Anne Stereotypen Stone Age Stone Age Economy Strategic Reality Dictionary Strategie Stratifizierung Streaming Media String theory Studium Subjektivität Subkultur Substantive Patent Law Treaty (SPLT) Subventionskürzungen Suchmaschinen Sufism SymbioticA Synworld playwork:hyperspace System-77 Systematisierung TINA TRIPS (Trade Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights) TV footage 9/11 Taktik Taktische Medien Tangimoana Taylorism TechGnosis Technik Technikfolgenabschätzung Techno Techno-Kulturen Technologie Technoorientalism Technopolitik Techné Teilhabe Telekommunikationsrecht Telekratie Temporary Autonomous Zone (TAZ) Temporary Autonomous Zone TAZ Temporary Pastoral Zone Terrain 001 Territorium Terror Tesla The Brave One (1956) The Bridge on the River Kwai (1957) The City of Willows The Conceptual Crisis The Defiant Ones (1958) The Free High School Science Texts (FHSST) The Friendly Persuasion (1956) The Global 500 The Incredible Disappearing Woman The Middle Ages The PicoPeering Agreement The Raw and the Cooked The Regulation of Investigatory Powers Act 2000 (RIP) The Street Performer The Work of Art in the Age of Mechanical Reproduction Theater Theory of Deprivation Theory of Social Disorganization Third Wave Third Way Three Laws of Robotics Tong Tourismus Toyspace Tranceformer Trans-Personen Transfer of Development Rights (TDR) Transparenz Treaty of Rome Truth and Reconciliation Commissions Tutti Bianchi campaign Typologien U.S. Patent Law U.S. policies UFO UK only UKUSA Security Agreement UN Conference on Trade and Developement (UNCTAD) US Marines US-Mexico border USSID, the United States Signals Intelligence Directives Ultimate Machine Umvolkung Uncanny Valley Unitary Urbanism Universalität Universität Unterdrückung Urbane Konflikte Urbanismus Urbanität Urheberrecht Utopia Utopie VODO VOluntary Donations to the originator of the material Vaterlandsverrat Verdinglichung Vergewaltigung Verhaltensmodellierung Vernetztheit Vernetzung Vielfalt Virgin Island Virtual Haze Volkskultur Volkslied Volkstanz Vorratsdatenspeicherung WASP WI- Zeitung WSIS Award WSIS Geneva WTO Wahl Wahlbeteiligung Wahlempfehlung Wahlen Wahlkampf Waldheim War on Drugs Warez Group Was tun? Watergate Watts riots Web 2.0 Weblog Webring gegen Blau-Schwarz Wehrmacht Wellness Skull Weltbild Werbung Wettkampf What is to be done? Whorf-Sapir hypothesis Widerspruch Widerstand Widerstandsbewegung Wiener Elektronik Wikileaks Wikipedia Willkür Window Farms Wirtschaft Wissensallmende Wissenschaft Wissenschaftspolitik Wissensgesellschaft Workfare Workshop World Information Institute World War 1 World War II World-C4U World-Info Flash World-Information City Exhibition World-Information.Org World-Infostructure Wort-loop ZIB3 Zapatista Zellen Kämpfender Widerstand Zen Zensur Zivilgesellschaft Zombie Culture Zugang Zugang zu Information Zynismus a networked history of the present a-capitalist abolition of money abuse academic journal academic publishing access accountability accountancy activism activity adab advertisement advertising advertisment films advertizing advocacy advocacy role affluence agency aggregated action aggregated data agriculture airport alchemy alphabet alternative communication tools alternative communities anarchism anarcho-democracy anarcho-futurism anarcho-individualism anger animals animism anonyme Meinungsäußerung anonymity anonymous antagonism anthropology anti-IPR anti-authorianism anti-capitalism anti-consumerism anti-globalisation movement anti-optimism anti-pessimism anti-trust law antikommerziell antimarket antitrust law anxiety anxiety disorders apology appropriation arboreal apes architecture archive archives for the digital public sphere arrest art art as media art as religion art economy art history art in public space art of travel art practice art strike articulation artistic practice artivism aspects of time assassination astrology astronomy astroturf asylum atlas atomization atonal music attention attention economy attribution audio and video archive audio archive audio-visual works augmented cognition auteur authentic authoritarian governments authors authorship auto creative art automation autonomy availability of information avant gard music avant-garde backbone bacteria bands bandwidth bandwith banks baraka barbarians behavioral targeting bias big data big picture bio war bio-mechanical biological knowledge biology biopiracy biopolitics biosphere biotech revolution biotechnologie bioterrorism black culture black market blau-schwarz blogs body body art body building body hatred body invasion body music body parts body politics bombing bondage book book archive book mobile border border culture boutique activism brain brain drain brain ware brainwashing brand branding strategies buddhism bulletin bunkers bureaucracy business bürgerliche Namen call centres calvinism camcorder revolution campaigning campaigns capability capital capitalism capitalist appropriation of culture cartels cartography caste system celebrity art censorship census records centerlessness centralised distribution chain of equivalence chemistry christianity cinema circulation of texts cities under siege citizen citizenship city civic education civic infrastructure civic rights civil disobedience civil rights civil rights activism civil society civil wars civilian interest civilian society classification climate change clinical psychologist codex coercion through culture cognitariat cognition cognitive labor cognitive science collaberation collecting societies collective collective phantoms collective pseudonym collective residual memory collective symbolic capital collectivity colonialism colonized space comic command commercial companies commercial use commercialisation commodity common wealth commons commune communes communication communication freedom communication models communicative capitalism communicativeness communism communities of distribution community community art community based space program compensation computer culture computer literacy concentration camps conceptual art concert conference confusion connection rate connectionism connectivity consciousness consensual hallucination consensus conspiracy conspiracy theory conspiration consume.net consumer age consumer behavior consumer profiles consumerism content for research content holder control control activities control anxiety control society convergence conviviality copyleft copyright copyright industries copyright protection corporate poetry corporations corporatization corrosion corruption cosmology counter information counter-conference counter-congress counter-surveillance creative age creative domain creative factor creative industries creativity crime crime prevention crimes of identity crimes of mobility crisis management crisis of circulation critical practice critical strategies criticism critique of the image cross-border politics cross-culturalism cross-disciplinary art and design cross-linking crowd-funding cult cult of novelty cultural activism cultural critique cultural difference cultural diversity cultural exchange cultural heritage cultural heritage of the future cultural industries cultural intelligence cultural language cultural practices cultural production cultural renaissance cultural studies culture culture industries culture jamming culture of commons culture of remembrance culture politics culture wars cultures of appropriation currency crisis cyber crime convention cyber democracy cyber-libertarians cybercapitalism cyberculture cyberdemocracy cyberfeminism cyberflesh cybernetic control cyberpunk cyberspace thinking cybertime cyberwar cyborg cyborg citizen cyborg feminism cyborg politics dactyloscopy dadaism daily life dance dark ages darknet data data body data lords data security data subjects database de-democratization de-materialization decentralizing deception defense system deliberation deliquency democracy democratic control demonstration demonstrations dependency dependency relation deportation class campaign depression deregulation dervish life desire desiring-machine developement developing countries development development agencies development of social movements dialogue diaspora digital digital Cognitariat digital art digital civil rights digital commons digital copyright digital creativity digital culture digital divide digital exclusion digital heritage digital information commons digital labor digital license digital media culture digital natives digital networks digital tools digital works digitale Commons digitale Kommunikationsnetzwerke digitale Medienkunst digitale Menschenrechte digitale Netzwerke digitale Stadt digitality digitalization dimensionality discipline discourse discursive sphere discussion disembodiment disenchantment with politics disentchantment of the world disinfopedia disinformation disobedience displacement dissemination dissemination of information dissidence distribution distribution of information diversity dividual division of labour do-it-yourself doctrine documentary documentary films domain name dotCommunist Manifesto doublethink download drugs dystopia dérive e-Austria e-Demokratie e-Partizipation e-Privacy Directive e-democracy e-participation e-school e_etc.tv ear eco-capitalism eco-fascism ecology econometrics economic marginalization economics economy economy of attention education education system educational films educational sphere election elections electricity electromagnetic energy electromagnetism electronic body electronic bunker electronic colonisation electronic entertainment electronic music electronic revolution elektrofruehstuck elektronische Medien eletromagnetic spectrum elites emancipation embeddedness embryo emergent architecture emerging countries empire empowerment energy infrastructure enlightened understanding enlightenment entertainment entertainment industry entertainment tax entheogenics enttäuscht envelope environmental disasters ephemeral films equilibrium escape escapism ethical responsability ethics ethisch eugenics evasion event evil empire evolution exclusion existentialism exorcism experimental communication exploitation extropianism fake fascism fashion feminism feministisch feministisches Kunstprojekt fetishism fiction figuration file-sharing films filtrierte Inklusion finance financial capitalism financial markets fingerprints firm-to-firm transactions flaneur flat rate flesh machine flüchtige Sprachen folklore food industries forgeries forms of subversion fortified lifestyles fractal dimensions fragmentation free access free agency free bandwith free communication free cooperation free culture free data free distribution free flows of information free hardware free information free intellectual property free media free networks free radio free sharing free society free software free speech free will freedistro freedom freedom of art freedom of communication freedom of expression freedom of information freedom of movement freedom of religion freedom of speech freemasonry freie Medienarbeit freie Meinung freie Meinungsäußerung freie Software freie information freie kooperation freier Bildungszugang freier Wissenszugang freier Zugang frontier frozen energy frühe Netzkulturen functionalism fundamentalism future future heritage fuzzy biological sabotage gadget galaxy music game theory gaming culture gate-keepers gated communities gaze geistiges Eigentum (IP) gender genocide gentechnik gentrification gettoattack ghetto of new media ghosts gift economy global accident global capital global city global commons global content channels global culture global economy global information landscapes global infosphere global state globalisation globalization gläserner Mensch golem googlization governance government control government intervention government regulation graffiti art graphic design grassroots grassroots journalism grassroots organizing gray market great man theory green space green washing grey market grotesque body guerrilla hacker hacking hacktivism hallucinations handling internet ressources hard sciences healthcare healthcare research hedonism hegemony heresy heritage hermeneutische Polyphonie hermeticism heterarchy hidden history hierarchies hierarchy history history of astronomy history of religions history of wireless communications hoax homo ludens homogenization horizontal expansion of informational flows horror hosting person human cattle behavior human condition human rights documents human species humanitarian humorist resistance hybridity hydra hypercontextuality hypermedia hyperspace hypocrisy iconoclasm idealized user identity identity politics ideology ignorance illegal parties illegal raves illegal software image image critique image war imaginaire imagination immaterial immigrant cultures immigration immutable mobiles impact of technology imperialistische Okkupationen in-house production inclusion independent media projects indexing indian patent law indigenous knowledge indigenous people individualism industrialization industries indymedia inertia influencing public opinion info rights info war info-guerilla informal city informal hierarchies information information access information age information anarchism information architecture information city information commons information control information dominance information ecology information economy information environment information feudalism information gathering information interaction information landscapes information law information management system information monopolies information overload information policy information politics information retrieval information society information terror information war information warfare informational capitalism informational economies informational landscape informational nodes infosphere infostructure infrastructure infrathinic inner space development agency innovation instability installation institutional archive institutionalisation of new media instrumentalisation intellectual property intellectual property (IP) intellectual property policy intellectual property rights IPR intelligence intelligence services intensity intentional travel intentionality interaction interactivity interdisciplinarity interfaces international law international press internationales Netzwerk internet architecture internet cafe internet culture internet library internet mapping project internet society interobjectivity intifada investments invisible networks invisible universe iron circle japanimation klerikal knowledge knowledge organization knowledge society knowledge systems kognitiver Kapitalismus kollektives symbolisches Kapital kreative Klasse kritische Netzwerkpsychologie kritischer Hedonismus kulturelle Identität kulturelle Shopping City kulturelle Strategien kulturelle Vielfalt kung fu künstlerische Praxis künstlerischer Ungehorsam lab labels labour language law lectures leftist theory legalization legitimacy liberalisation liberalism liberation library licence license fee licensing lies linguistics link popularity literature lobbying local communities local political interventions local stars logic of the market logic systems lokale Taktiken lost history low intensity warfare luddism machine machine worlds machines machinic capitalism machinic phylum magic magic mushroom mail art mail-art mailing list mainstream maker movement male genius manifesto manipulation map of Internet Users Worldwide mapping maria market dominance market-ideology marketing markets marketspeak marxism mashup mass grave exhumations mass individualization massacres master narratives materiality matter meaning media media activism media control media cultures media format media hyrids media industry media invasion media market media ownership media politics media presence media studies media theory medial-öffentlicher Diskurs mediale Stadt mediascape mediation medical journals medical research medicine melting pot mental capitalism meshwork structure meshworks meta-network theory metaphor micro computer micro-fascisms microenterprises migration migration of control militarization military military data collection military industries military paradigm military theory military urbanism military-entertainment complex military-industrial complex millennarianism mind reading mindscape misuse mobile book printing mobilisations mobility models modern technology modernising experiences modernity molecular molecular revolution molecularity money monitor activities monkey house monopolists monopoly on information flows morality motor part bazaar mouvement moveable type movement movement of movement movies moving images multiculturalism multinational corporations multiple-use name multitude muscles music music studio mythology mythopoesis narratives nation building nation scale power nation state nation-state nationalism natives natural resources necrophilic economy negativity negotiation neo-Luddism neo-imperialism neo-materialism neoism neoliberal neoliberalism neolithic age nettime nettime-Bibel netwar network communication network society network state network value networks networks of imagination networks of intention neue Medien neurospace neurotransmitter neutrality new media new media culture new paradigm of production new security legislation new way of life newspaper newspeak no border camp no censorship no-go areas nomadic war machine nomads non commercial use non governmental organisations non-authoritarian personality non-human animals nonlinearity noosphere norm notion of human being nt*areal nudging numisphere objectivity objects obscenity occupation oil old theatre online democracy open access open access journals open access movement open archiving open content open cultures open society institute open source movements open source search open standard oppositional movements optical illusions optimism opus oral culture organism organization organized crime originality over-identification own TV ownership pacification pacifism pack paganism pain palimpsest pancapitalism panopticon paper paranoia park fiction participation particularism partizipatives Fördermodell party position passion patents patriarchy patriotic sentiments patterning paying artists peer review perception performance performance art permanent war personal capital pessimism pharmaceutical companies pharmaceutical patents photography phrenology physics pilgrimage piracy pirated software plagiarism planned obsolescence play playwork pleasure pluralism plurality poetry slams police police knowledge political activism political art political culture political economy political identity political influence political irony political manipulation political parties political subjectivity political theory politics politics of desire politics of dissemination politics of infosphere politics of infostream politische Bildung politische Gemeinschaften politische Praxis der Utopie politische Öffentlichkeiten pop music popular culture population pornographie pornography post-1989 post-bodies post-democracy post-dialectical post-human post-informational society post-modern post-political post-politics post-revolution syndrome post-truth post-union labour organising postcolonial theory postcolonialism postfactual postfaktisch postfordistische Produktion postfordistische Ökonomie posthumanity postliterate postmodern war postmodernism potato chip can potlach poverty power power relations powerlessness precarization predictive analysis predictive policing preservation presidential election primitivism printed materials prior art privacy private corporation private library private property private wealth privatisation privatization pro-IPR processes of collaboration producer/consumer dichotomy product patents productivity profit proletariat prominence propaganda property proprietary infrastructure proprietary software protest pseudonyms psyche psychic urbanism psycho war psychoanalysis psychodelic psychogeography public public amateur public archive public arena public digital archives public domain public funding public opinion public relations public space public sphere publicly funded archive publicly funded remunderation publishing pyramid of needs quasi-states queerscapes racism radical culture radical democracy radio galaxy ranking rationalism rationality rave re-appropriation real names real-virtual dichotomy reality engeneering reality sandwich reason reassertion of the private rebellion recall reception reciprocity recombinant capital reconstruction redistribution of the local refusal to work regimes of truth regulation reification reification of capital relevance reliability of information religion religious remix rent rent gap representability representation representation of common interests representative democracy repression reproduction research research & developement R&D resistance restrictions revolution rhizomatic panopticon rhizome rich people right-wing populism righteousness riots robots role models romantiticism roundtable rule based systems rumor clinic sabotage sacred drift sample save scandal scholarly archiving scholarly journal school schwarz-blau science science history science publishing scientific communication scientific journal scientific police search search optimization search revolution search tools secular Anabaptism secularism security security landscape selection self-empowerment self-organization self-regulation semio-capitalism semiotic democracy semiotics settlements sex sex.net sexuality shamanic culture shamanism share alike shared knowledge shared property sharing shopping mall silicon silo-based knowledge simian aesthetics simulacra simulation simultaneity situationism slavery small audience smooth space snapshot social social ambition social control social disobedience social engineering social imaginary social impact social inequalities social innovation social insulation social management social movement social movements social network analysis social networking platforms social networks social order social psychology social right social sciences social sorting social space social stratification social theory socialised disobedience socialism society sociology sociometry soft power software development software patents soma sound sound-politization source code sovereignity soziale Beziehungen soziale Netzwerke space space exploration space is the place space program spatial exclusion spatial inclusion spectacle speculative playgrounds spin spirit spiritual agitprop spying squats squatting stadt standards state state of emergency statistics steel stockmarket storage storing strata strategic investment strategic reality strategische Medien strategy stratified space street culture street protests streets structuralism struggle studios subjectification subjectivity sublethal subscription fee subversion sufi summer camp movement superstition suppression supranational entities surf.net surprise surrealism surveillance surveillance industry survey data surveys survival of the fittest sustainability sustainable development swarming symbolic domination syncretism syndication systemic tactical media tactical reality tactics tactics of media invasion taktische Medien tanzen taoism tardigrade tech-wreck techno techno culture techno science techno-libertarian agenda techno-orientalism techno-pop technoculture technoideology technological Apartheid technologization technology technology assessment TA technology patents tecno-brega tele-industries telecommunication televangelism television license teleworking territory terror of normality terrorism text mob the Commune the Other the common good the commons the hyperreal the real the self the social the unseen theatre theatre of war theory of control theory of democracy third space thought control time of crisis tobacco industry tonal music too-late capitalism topographic representations topographies totalitarism totality tourism toys trade unions transactional data transactional structures transcendence transcendentalism transhumancy transitional objects transitionary countries translocal processes transnational capital transnational corporations (TNCs) transnational networks of protest transnationalism transparency transport tribe tribunal trotskyism turbo-folk unconscious underground underground economy underground resistance understanding of media uniformity unitärer Urbanismus universal access to knowledge universalism universities urban urban change urban design urban development urban economy urban environments urban folk culture urban landscapes urban slumming urban space urban transformation urban transformations urban warfare urbane Musikkultur urbaner Raum urbanism user user interface utopia vampire management ventriloquism victims video format video quality video resolution viennese zoo view from above violence virtual capitalism virtual class virtual consciousness virtual democracy virtual economy virtual environments virtual gallery virtual markets virtual personae virtual reality virtual war virtual world virtualization virus visibility visualization volkstanz voluntary poverty voodoo meme voter turnout war war machine war of metaphor wastun.org weak links weak ties webring welfare state western patent systems whatstobedone.org wien.at women and technology women killers work working class world supermarket culture world war zeitgenössische Kunst ziviler Ungehorsam zoning ÖVP Öffentlich-Rechtlich Öffentlicher Raum Öffentlichkeit Ökologisierung Ökonomie Ökonomisierung Ökonomisierung der Politik Ökopolitik Österreich-Quiz Überwachung ökonomische Entwicklung


...is a semantically connected content repository, which contains documents on 15 years of new practices in art and media.

Based on an extensive archive going back to 1994 the site collects materials that serve as important reference documents in the field of new media, politics, and art and makes them accessible to a wider public. Instead of a hierarchically structured archive an experimental navigation interface opens up new ways to explore large information nodes. Documents are associated by a range of tag that allow to filter relevance according to topics and issue relations. ASCR, short for Advanced Semantic Content Repository, is the open source information architecture and "editing back end" of Future Non Stop.

Future Non Stop is a project of:
Institute for New Culture Technologies/ t0.
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